Hi, we’re Noah & Kriste!

Have you ever found yourself at home on the couch, watching YouTube videos of people traveling the world and making it look so easy? Yep, us too. After many hours of inspiration, and thinking there must be a way to do this sooner rather than later, we decided to go for it.

Now, we’re almost a year into working from the road and full-time RVing, and want to inspire others who think it’s just a pipe dream to go for it too. That’s why we want to share how we made it happen, and what we’ve learned along the way.

We’re still learning, but we can definitely help you avoid some of the mistakes we made, and discover just how rewarding a nomadic life can be.

Head over to our blog, for helpful RVing tips, destination guides, and information about how to live and travel while working. Or if you’re more of a visual learner, check out our YouTube videos and our Instagram photos.

Want to learn more about us? Keep on reading below.

Boating on Great Bay

We’re both from New England — actually born in towns in Western Massachusetts just about 30 minutes apart (although also a few years apart). We met about a decade ago, while both working at an event in New Hampshire. Noah was handing out samples of ice cream, while I was selling wine. I was excited about the ice cream, but thought he was pretty cute too. We kept things professional for a while, but Noah ended up admitting he was interested in more.

On our first date, we discovered that we both have a passion for traveling and have been very fortunate to do quite a bit growing up and on our own. We dated for three years before getting engaged while on a sailboat in Antigua, and then married two years later surrounding by loved ones and family on Lake Sunapee in New Hampshire. We really have always found a way to be near water.

A couple of years ago we decided to move to the seacoast of New Hampshire from the middle of the state because the ocean was calling. Neither of us grew up sailing or around boats all the time, but we both share a love for the beach and the water. For two years we took advantage of living on the PIscataqua river, that leads out to the Atlantic, and explored the area by water – first in a little 9-foot dinghy, and the next summer in a 24-foot bow rider.

Last year we both realized that we now have jobs that allowed us to work remotely, and we decided we want to try out the digital nomad lifestyle. We dreamed of living aboard a sailboat, but that was a bit too complicated (and expensive) to jump right into, especially with little or no sailing experience. So we decided to try out life in an RV first.

Now, after almost a year into full time RVing, we’re excited to share our journey and inspire you to go for it too!

Our Crew

Chief Furry Officer

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Chief Entrepreneurial Officer

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Chief Margarita Officer

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